Proud Egyptian father names newborn 'Facebook'

Given that there are crazy parents aplenty roaming this planet, some of which think it’s perfectly normal to lumber a newborn with a name covering a football club’s first-team roster, it’s not surprising in the least to learn there is now a kid called Facebook.

The unwitting child in question (a bouncing baby girl) was named Facebook Ibrahim by her Egyptian father to celebrate the social network’s role in helping to unseat wholly unpopular Egyptian ruler Hosni Mubarak.

Initially reported in popular Arabic newspaper Al-Ahram, the naming of little Facebook proved to be so inspiring that “family, friends, and neighbours in the Ibrahimya region gathered around the newborn to express their continuing support for the revolution that started on Facebook.”

Cheap quips aside, such an unusual name can perhaps be forgiven in this case, especially in light of the part Zuckerberg’s market-leading social network played in the ousting of Mubarak—namely enabling Egyptian users to organise and publicise protests.

And let us not forget that Facebook is thoroughly normal as a name when compared to some of the examples celebrities choose to shackle their offspring with, i.e., Banjo, Bronx Mowgli, Daisy Boo, and Moxie Crimefighter… we kid you not.
