Architecture these days has never been more advanced: Buildings are making their own energy and using ice as air conditioning. Creative buildings don’t always involve special technology, however. One could build a home shaped like a giant toilet or shoe or some kind of fruit, for example. We’ve found more buildings designed like different everyday things. These buildings sure to disorient their residents, either by making them feel like mice in giant land, or by making them extremely dizzy. But maybe, on the contrary, they feel like unique owners. Check them out and form your opinion!
Buildings designed like animals
Fish House, Berkeley
Duck House, Suffolk
Bull Dog Cafe, Florida
Mother Goose Cafe, Florida.
Dog Bark Park Inn, Idaho
Mother Goose Building, Perry
Lucy the Elephant, Atlantic
Shark Building, Horry
Fish Building, Bena
buildings designed like fruits and sweets
Orange, Kissimmee
The Strawberry house, Tokyo
Ice Cream Cone Building, Sarasota
buildings designed like peoples Mammy's Cupboard, Natchez
Human Body Building, Oegstgeest
buildings designed like furniture, shoes, bottle, etc. Chest of Drawers, Guilford
Space House, Montgomerty
Bottle Building Appartments, Richmond
Mortar & Pestle Bldg, Fayette
The Teapot Dome, Zillah
Kansas City Library, Missouri
The Basket Building, Newark
The Basket Building, Newark
Coffee Pot Diner, Maricopa
Coffee Pot Diner, Maricopa
Milk Can Cafe, Bristol
Airplane Building, Knox
Shoe house , South-Africa
Shoe-shaped building, Pennsylvania
The Piano House, China
The Piano House, China
Toilet house, Suwon
Toilet house, Suwon
Toilet house, Suwon